Thursday, 27 March 2025

AHPC15 - Ray & Lee's combined project round-up (and punch-up)

Me & Lee got together on Tuesday evening to bring both sides of our Retreat from Moscow project together in the Rejects Shed-o-War. Laid out on the table we are more than a little amazed at how much we have got done during the painting challenge. Once again this amazing event has stimulated our creative juices, whipped up our enthusiasm and kept our brushes whirling in a way we never normally manage to replicate at any other time of the year.

I beat Lee on we recreated that beating in front of our combined output from the Challenge!!

We've had a good long chat about our respective armies and have already made a list of extra units we want to add. We have already started making some of the terrain we want for this project and yesterday we agreed what to buy next and exchanged ideas of items we would like to see on a future battlefield. So while the frenetic pace of activity during the challenge will abate a little over the next few weeks, we are hoping to keep that enthusiasm burning throughout the year. I summed it up perfectly when I describe our efforts during the Challenge as "phase one of the project".

There will be more to come!

Wednesday, 26 March 2025

AHPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - 23rd/24th Chasseur a Cheval Sledge 35pts

Its finally here, my last post of this years Challenge, I'm chuffed with all I've managed to get finished, but also gutted for what I didn't manage to get started. Including the figures in the post. My plan was to have 1 unit of 4 sledges. Perry's make 2 sledges, one walking and this one, that's running. But the 2nd running sledge, I need to complete the unit has been out of stock for ages, only coming back last week, so it scuppered my plans.

I started painting this back in January, but held off finishing it off until the other sledge turned up, but as time ran out, I thought it could be my last post.

"During the Retreat from Moscow, Colonel Marbot seeing that
his regiment, the 23rd Chasseurs a Cheval, was falling apart,
decided to dismount them, use their remaining horses to pull two-man peasant
sledges easily found in local villages. The 23rd formed up with the
24th Chasseurs a Cheval to create a sledge born brigade. At night
these formed squares which were frequently used by Marshal Ney and General
Maison for shelter. Each man was ordered to have two muskets to enable them to
resist attacks with ‘the liveliest musketry"

from Perry Miniatures website.

I really can't wait to get a unit of these out on the tabletop. The large pill base was specially made for me by Warbases.

I've got to thank Curt and Sarah for all their hard work in putting the Challenge together and running it, also thanks to my favorite Fin Teemu, for putting up with me since December, as well as all the other Minions and fellow Challengers and commenters who helped drag me along.

As for the points 5pts for the 2 figures and horse = 15pts
and 20pts for the sledge, making 35pts altogether!


Tuesday, 25 March 2025

ANPC15 - Retreat from Moscow - Mixed Infantry & Cavalry 60pts

Originally posted on the 19th March on the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge Blog. The Challenge is now over.

My penultimate post in this years Challenge, and guess what?
More figures my and Lee's Retreat from Moscow project!

All the figures bar 2 are from Perry Miniatures.
The Commander, second left is a Front Rank figure and is my last figure in the Challenge that has had some conversion work, I've added a small cloak and a scarf which is holding his bicorne on. The Sapper 2nd row far right is the second non Perry mini, but I'm not sure who made this figure and if he is indeed a French figures??
Any ideas???

The rest of the figures are from pack FN169 Dismounted  Cavalry Skirmishing, my favourite is the chap in the middle, painted up as a Trumpeter of  the Dutch Lancers of the Guard. This is what I love about this project, you get the chance to paint up figures and uniforms that you wouldn't normally do.

Then you have the red crested French Carabinier, firing 2 pistols, what a great figure to paint up!

Lastly the usual rear shot!! I wasn't going to paint up the figure sitting firing behind a fallen friend, as I'm not sure how to fit him into a unit, because of the base size?? So he might end up as a piece of scenery or perhaps an objective marker?

So to the points, 9 figures for 45pts, then 2 figures on one base, one kneeling and one laying, so I'll give in to tonight's minion to decide the final score, your never know I might even get some bonus points for the conversion work? Cough!

Tonight's Minion was the SnowLord himself Curt who very generously gave me an extra 8 points for my conversion work!!